kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election, what election?

It's election day today in the US of A. Although not many Canadians will be following it, most want to know if Bush loses or not. We, as Canadians, are lovers of peace. We don't like it when people start wars. Hmm, isn't that just lovely. Wake up, Canada! There is "a time for war and a time for peace," whether we like it or not (Ecclesiastes 3:8). So the question remains: is this a time for war? I believe that George W. Bush is a man of God and in being such, his decisions are sifted through a grid of Biblical values. Many leaders have been lead to war, by God, during the existence of sin.

The truth is that Saddam Hussein has killed thousands upon thousands of his own people. Even if there aren't weapons of mass destruction, a dangerous leader has been taken out of power. But at what cost, you ask. Thousands of innocent lives have been taken, but how many more would have been taken by Hussein? Bush will be held accountable for all of his actions. But if he was acting on the leading of the Holy Spirit, who are we to disagree? The next question that remains is: how do we know that Bush is filled with the Holy Spirit of God? We will have to sift this through our Biblical values grid, do our own research, and ask God Himself.


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