kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Rough Day

I decided to stay away from the hospital today as my throat is very sore and I don't want to give dad any bugs. Christy reported he had a rough day today. He usually gets his steroids first thing in the morning but for some reason they were really late in giving it to him so he figures he will be wired well into tonight. Also he said he couldn't go to the washroom today for some reason and the nurses won't drain his bladder. I don't know what's going on there...Christy was too tired to explain it all. He was nauseous most of the day he said. They still can't do the right dose for chemo, legs and feet are still swollen.

-Pray for sleep.
-Pray about bladder issues.
-Pray for the swelling to go down so the doctors can do aggressive chemo.
-Pray about the nausea.
-Pray for my mom as she travels back to saskatoon wednesday (technically today) afternoon.

Praise God that I received my student loan today! I have been nagging the government for 2 months now, as it has been 5 and a half months since I started the process. The money had been approved to me but was held up for the last 2 months becuase of human error and a computer glich both on the part of the government. But it is here now and I have been learning patience and perseverance despite much frustration the whole way through. Praise God that student loans are so readily available in our country! I have been studying God's Word at Peace River Bible Institute since September of 2005.


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