The Usual Talk
I talked with dad today. He's a little on the weak side, regaining his strength after the three days of chemo last week. He started GCSF injections today to build his system back up again. But he is expecting considerable pain to come along with it so pray for him about that. We talked about usual things like dvd writers, HDTV, Al Gore's documentary ("An Inconvenient Truth), and the relentlessness of Time Warner, MGM, and Paramount to shut down the perfectly legal act of downloading TV shows off the internet. Anyway, if you have a spare hour and fourty minutes you should definately watch "An Inconvenient Truth" (AIT) I have always been a skeptic of people who claim global warming is going to change the face of the earth but Al Gore has presented some undeniable facts. Watching AIT has caused me to seriously consider my own consumption of resources. There are many changes that can easily occur in my everyday use of non-renewable resources. The decision is mine; and the decision is yours.
At Thu Jan 25, 07:38:00 p.m., Michael and Sharlene McDonald said…
Thanks for keeping us up to date on your dad's situation, we sure appreciate it!
As for the "Inconvenient Truth". I look forward to seeing it, but I intend to take it with a teaspoon of salt too. I'm no scientist, but apparantly his film is making climatologists wince with the lack of science involved in Al's hypothesis. If you are interested, here is an article to the contrary, by scientists.
Does that mean we should not be good stewards of the earth? no- but to me it seems foolish to completly re-order the world economy with the hardship that will cause ordinary people (not people like Gore, he will likely profit from it...) for a weak hypothesis. The world is some 10,000 years old with history of warmer and cooler days and years. The science should go as far back as we can and not just the last blip in time(last 60 years) to determine if the sky is indeed falling.
Off the soap box now...
At Sun Jan 28, 08:06:00 p.m., Kevin said…
Mike, check out these articles:
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