kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Bush in Town (and cheese) (and life)

What a great day! Bush came to Canada today. And despite all the protestors and excessive media and security and police and Liberals, I enjoyed it. I was refreshed to see that our ties with the US haven't been completely severed by our government. And while I spent half the day on my knees trying to get the stupid dogs to connect, I looked beyond my sick and twisted task to the greater good. Mozzarella. Yes, it is sooooo good. My brain is fried. I haven't had a quality blog in almost a week. I'm sorry. Mmmm, cheeeese. Ya, today was busy. I drove all over the city for the other half of the day...just doing stuff that needed to get done. You know how those days are. Good thing I don't have a job to get in the way of my life! Oh ya, I was gonna update ya. I went for the interview this morning but it didn't sound that appealing. I told him I would get back to him at 4:30pm. So I continued to pray about it all day and give it over to God. I phoned the guy up and he told me the position was filled. I was kinda relieved 'cause I was gonna take the job even though I didn't really want to. But I've realized that God is in complete control and there is a job for me. I just need to relax and enjoy my time off from regular societal nonsense. Too much pressure, mostly from myself. Just gonna relax and enjoy what God has blessed me with. Life. (Oh, and mozzarella!)


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