kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

1st Round: Phase B

Aggressive chemo started up yesterday. The doctors have now said that this is Phase B of the first round of chemo. It will look somthing like this if everything goes as planned:
1st round: Phase A, Phase B, rest
2nd round: Phase A, Phase B, rest
3rd round: Phase A, Phase B, rest

I don't know how long the rest periods will be (originally they were supposed to be 4 weeks). The rest periods will be at home and then beack to RUH in S'toon for each round.

I phoned dad yesterday. He sounded pretty weak as it was the first day. But he was up and around and watching TSN.

The prayer requests from my last posting still stand. As well as anything else you can think of. Praise God that He cares for all! (even the sparrow.....Matt. 6) I also praise God that He has made Himself known throughout this situation! One cannot deny the existence of God and His personal relationship with me, because of Jesus Christ, if they have experienced what I have....praise God for that realization and Truth!


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