kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Solitary Confinement?

Mom writes:
Lyle has now been banished to solitary confinement (a room of his own) because of bad behaviour......actually it is because his white blood cell count is so low and they don't want him contacting any bad germs and viruses. He's a bit disappointed because he likes being with the other patients (he had 3 in his room). He has a staff infection in the blood and I think he still has a bladder infection or iritation of the bladder. He's on strong antibiotics right now so he's feeling quite weak and has some dizziness as his blood pressure keeps going up and down. When he walks he tends to lean to the right as he's off balance. He doesn't seem to be retaining water as much (from his knees down). He'll probably be in the hospital for awhile yet. On March 2nd he has been in hospital a month.His Mom and Sister are flying to Saskatoon (from Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island) on Thursday, March 9 until the 15th.It will be wonderful to see them.Thank you Lord that everything is in You're control. Praise God!

Please pray for my mom as she is busy planning 2 funerals and won't be able to get away to see dad for a few days.


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