kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Mom wrote me today....

"I talked to Lyle about 9:00 am today (Thurs). The docs tell him he has a staff infection in the blood and he also still has a bladder infection. His white blood cell count is down as well. He has had 9 days of straight chemo now and 1 more to go and then a couple days break and then the doc will assess his situation. He's suppose to get 4 weeks off from chemo and maybe come home but the infections would have to clear up first. He's feeling quite weak and shaky."

"When situations look difficult, I'm so glad that we serve a God who can do the impossible and we can trust Him with absolutely everything. Praise God! He is so faithful and merciful! Thank you all for your prayer support!"

From me....
I've started meeting with a member of the staff at PRBI to help discern my future. The whole process is revolved around finding my strengths and interests and seeing what kind of work would suit me best, then committing this to God. Later in the process we will be joined by one or two of my closest friends and 2 other staff members to analyse everything we have come up with. After one meeting many strengths and ideas stand out in my mind and also some weaknesses that I need to deal. Please pray that I will give things over to God and that He would see me through this process with a clear path to my future. Thanks all.


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