kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Asian Tsunami Relief

Guys, we need to do something. Unfortunatley we can't all just fly over there and help. But we can give our prayers and money.

World Vision

Mennonite Central Committee

Canadian Red Cross

Save The Children

Satan's Clause....I mean: Santa Clause

Ooo, la, la. Christmas was alright. I got to see my brother from Calgary. It's a once a year ritual we practice--him coming to Saskawhatever. I got the newest Switchfoot CD/DVD combo, Norah Jones, Coldplay CD/DVD combo, $$$, socks, a nalgene, these really cool slippers from my mom & dad, a gift certificate for Parables, and some other stuff. Thanks to all. I spent the most I ever have on Christmas gifts this year. I wish it had felt better to give but I didn't have time to enjoy the smiles on people faces. I just saw the reciepts and bills. Ya, we had Christmas on the 23rd cause I'm working Dec. 24th - Jan. 2nd. Yay. Hmm. So I bought a new computer. Future Shop had a good Boxing Day deal on an AMD. Of course I bought it online the night before. I wasn't about to wait in hour long line-ups. I would only do that if I was struck in love and getting something for her. But that'll happen in God's timing, 'cause I like perfect timing. This Coldplay DVD is sweet! K, I'm gonna sleep...

Friday, December 24, 2004

my computer crashed--that's why i haven't blogged in days. and i work 10 days in a row starting tonight (these are 10 and 12 hour shifts). please pray. thanks.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Pure, Genuine, Godly Wisdom

Our society just keeps on going. Doesn't matter what the consequences are--if it feels good do it. The government is supposed to be leading us in the right direction but I guess we can't expect a secular humanist society to listen to God's views on everything. But remember we are all accountable for our actions. The only difference between me and you is that I have accepted that Christ has forgiven my sins and I have given my life to Him. He bore the weight of my sins on his shoulders so that I can stand before God and declare I am washed clean by Christ's blood. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can compare to this truth. The feeling I get from this knowledge is unbelievable!! I can't explain it. I feel like I am never alone. I feel like a huge weight is off of my shoulders. I feel like I am soooo loved. I feel like I can take on the world. I feel like someone is hugging me right now. But the reality is that feelings don't matter. You must believe what Christ has done for you and live your life completely for Him. No holding on to bits and pieces--give everything you are and have and can do. I think that's the least God deserves for all He has done for mankind. I can't wait until I stand before God one day. He'll ask me why I should be allowed to spend eternity with Him. I'll tell Him, "Christ has washed me clean." There is no other answer that God will accept. According to His Word, this is the only thing that will get us into heaven. You can say that you gave money to the church, helped the poor, fed the hungry, and lived a good life. But when it all boils down--have you accepted what God has done for you? Are you genuinely living for God? I hope so. Spending an eternity without God won't be pleasant to say the apitimatic least.

Matthew recorded what Jesus said, "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” -Matthew 12:36-37
I've missed a lot of stuff happening in the last week, here are some articles on the issue in focus:

Klein continues to turn up heat on same-sex issue

Harper says he'll protect traditional marriage

Cabinet minister might quit over same-sex bill


It's 5:42am at the moment. I just got off of work not too long ago. My last of 7 days in a row complete!! I'm listening to some good tunes and there's a brand new car in front of my house. My paycheck is coming and I feel good. I think I'm starting to get in the Christmas mood now. My sister decorated our bare tree after about a week of it just sitting there. It was leaning up against the wall for the first 2 days 'cause we had no base for it. He, he. I left a note for my supervisor Brent asking if I could get Christmas off because this other guy might work it instead of me. Would be great! Can't wait! Don't wanna be late or overweight! I need a date! Must be fate! I should go buy some fishing bait! I just ate! Tonight at work I shut the gate! I don't hate! I used to know a Kate! Good-aye mate! Where is Nate? Our dollar is at a good rate! I know a guy named Tait! That's all I can think of. I'm gonna go to bed soon...

PS - I'm planning on buying a new computer on Boxing Day!! Woo, I can afford one now!!

Monday, December 13, 2004

What the mother!?

Man, I've worked 70 hours in the last 6 days! I'll be gettin' a big paycheck, woo! I said that I'd work tonight for Dan so he could have a long weekend. So that'll be over 80 hours in one week. Nice! He had been working since October or something without many days off. And I found out that I might get Christmas off!!! If it all works out--another guy will work my shift on the weekend while I work Dan's shift during the week. So that would mean I would be off from the 24th - 27th. Pray that this happens 'cause I'm not sure it will!! Yesterday I got home at 9am--which means I worked a 15 hour shift! Crazyness! I'll be able to afford gifts after all. The only problem is: when do I go shopping? Well, I get Tuesday - Thursday off. I'm going to bed now.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Well, I haven't posted for 5 days!! That's nuts. Bendyesque--that's my word for "cool" or "sweet." I started my training for my new job last night. It went pretty good. Basically I drive around to about 12 different places and write up reports on them for each time I visit. I have to note certain things on the report such as number of vehicles and staff. It's different at every place. I even patrol a few banks. Some of the buildings are right downtown. I go up to say the 15th floor and I can look out over the city lights and the river. There's hardly any traffic on the roads this late at night so that's a bonus--although I will be working weekends so there will be more. Yeah, I like it. It's a decent job for now and the pay is not bad at all. True, I work some of the worst hours but I don't mind all that much. I suppose when I get alarm calls while I'm sleeping I'll mind. Such is life. There is no perfect job, that would imply we have a perfect world.

Friday, December 03, 2004

A Collection of Thoughts

Sitting here dreaming, wondering, remembering.
The good times and the bad.
Tears and laughter. Pain and pleasure.
A glimpse of all my experiences.
Reveals a life well lived.
A life full of joy and suffering.
The only way to live.
Learn from pain. Revel in joy.
A look to the future, seems promising.
Only if God is first. Priorities.
Wisdom comes with experience. Experience with age.
Oh Lord, grant me age! For I long for wisdom. And not of this world.
The more I experience, the more I know that God is looking out for me.
In everything, nothing overlooked.
I'll give you more than a collection of thoughts, of words.
I give you my life. Do what you will.
I'm ready to live, ready to learn.
Show me your Way.
Teach me your Truth.
Grant me Life.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Who's Not a Bum?!

So I got this job. I'll be driving around patrolling for various clients of the security company I now work for. Making sure doors are locked, responding to alarm calls, watching for trespassers, and such. Should be a pretty good job. I'll be working 3 nights a week in 12 hour shifts. That means I get the other 4 days off! So I could pick up another job if it all works out. Although I'll be on call sometimes. I don't know when. The pay is decent enough and there are bonuses for responding to alarms when you are on call. I just have to say praise God for blessing me with this job. And thank you to sooo many people who have been praying for me!! I appreciate that.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Ha, ha, ha!! I love this one!