kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Toronto Song

I hate the skydome and the CN Tower too
I hate Nathan Phillips Square and the Ontario Zoo
The rents too high, the airs unclean
The beaches are dirty and the people are mean
And the women are big and the men are dumb
And the children are loopy cuz they live in a slum
The water is polluted and the mayor's a dork
They dress real bad and they think they're New York
In Toronto, Ontario

"You know, actually I think I hate all of Ontario"

I hate Thunder Bay and Ottawa
Kitchener, Windsor, and Oshawa
London sucks and the Great Lakes suck
And Sarnia sucks and Turkey Point Sucks
I took a trip to Ontario to visit Brian Mulrooney
He beat me up and he stole my pants and he put me in a tree
I went to see the Maple Leafs and got hit in the head with a puck
"I don't even know how they did it, I was playing the organ at the time!"

Ontario Sucks

"Actually, now that I really think about it,
I think I pretty much hate every gosh darn province and territory in our country!
Except Alberta, yeah I love Alberta, lots of cows, trees, rocks, dirt"

I hate Newfoundland cuz they talk so weird
And Prince Edward Island is too small
Nova Scotia's dumb cuz its the name of a bank
New Brunswick doesn't have a good mall
Quebec is revolting and it makes me mad
Ontario sucks, Ontario sucks

"Manitoba's population density is 1.9 people per square kilometer. Now isn't that stupid!?"

Saskatchewan is boring and the people are old
And as for the territories, they're too cold!
And the only really good thing about the province of British Columbia is that its right next to us!"

Cuz Alberta doesn't suck
But [Edmonton] does!

-Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Roe vs. Wade - Part II

On January 19th of this year, I wrote about the woman who fought to legalize abortions and how she is now trying to appeal the court's decision. Well, here are the results of her efforts.

Some related links:

The National (Click on "WATCH THE NATIONAL ONLINE" and skip the time ahead 27 minutes to see a broadcast about Christians fighting back.)
Silent No More
Help After Abortion
Operation Outcry

Monday, February 21, 2005

Peace in the Valley

I don't know what the future holds for me. Frankly, I don't want to know. It's more exciting that way. God has given me peace about it all. I've finally let Him take over. For how long? I don't know. I just pray that my stubborn selfish nature never shows it's ugly face again. Is this a realistic prayer? Yes! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. But the reality of life is that I'm human and I mess up. I often don't rely on God. The best part of it all is that He is right there waiting to give me a second chance. The future is wide open. I love it.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Baby Got Book

This is soooooo funny! You gotta check this song out.
Link to Becka's Page (Click on "Baby got Book")

Saturday, February 19, 2005

My Trip to Nip

I went to Nipawin this past week. It was fun...and relaxing. It was so good to get out of the city. I saw stars for the first time in ages! And there was no orange glow in the sky. And I saw some good friends.
I had a good talk about life and women with one of them. We came to the conclusion that older guys (27-29) are stealing all the women our age. So guys, aged 20 - 23, we had better get crackin' or they'll be none left! There aren't very many good Christian girls to begin with--at least not that I can see. I miss cruising around Nipawin, that was fun.

Monday, February 14, 2005

My Two Pennies On Saint Valentine's Day

To: Paul Martin

Liberals are red,
Tories are blue,
I won't ask you to be my Valentine,
'Cause that's not what men do.

Heterosexual Love,
Stephen Harper


A Place to Lay My Head

I have a bed now. "What," you say, "did he lay his head on before this?" Well, I have slept on an air mattress for the last five and a half months. It wasn't too bad. It was firm and comfortable. Now I have a hide-a-bed. My sister and some friends brought it home the other night.

The top ten reasons why I like not having to sleep on an air mattress:
10 - All of the mites that have probably collected on it from not cleaning it--eww.
9 - I'm not right on the basement floor so it's warmer now.
8 - My new bed has springs.
7 - Less free space in my room to clean up now.
6 - My new bed is brown with flower designs on it. Imagine, brown flowers.
5 - My new bed smells like "girl".
4 - My lungs hurt.
3 - The light that trickles into my room at "night" doesn't land on my face!
2 - My new bed folds up into a chesterfield. Everyone loves chesterfields!
1 - I don't have to blow up my new bed every second day!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

You gotta be kiddin' me!?

Here are a couple crazy articles:
Fines for 'droopy drawers' backed
11-year-old girl on sex-ed committee

What do you mean Christians aren't the only intolerant people!?
'Tolerant' Homosexuals Intolerant of 'Ex-Gays'

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Chretien Game

The Gomery Commission. Here we go again, playing the Chretien game. First of all, I can't believe that Canadians gave the guy 8 years as PM. I mean come on, what were we thinking!? (if you click on this link, you'll have to click on "RA" beside the title "What Was I Thinkin'" once you get there.) It was such an embarrassment to the whole country--and for eight years! This is a guy who hails from Quebec and can't even speak english properly. Okay, so I shouldn't do a personal attack on the guy. Well, what did he do for the country? He considered legalizing marijuana, set in motion same-sex marriage, conducted the largest scandal is Canadian history (see Gomery link), kept the age of sexual consent at 14, let pedophilers get away with exploiting children through pornography and other means, and oh--he balanced the budget for about 4+ years in a row ('cause that's what really matters, right?!). He left a legacy alright, just like he always said he would.

True, he has done some good things for this country. Like making golf balls with his name on them. Just kidding. (But he did!) Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, good does not out-weigh bad. So here we are, a country left on the brink of moral decay. All because of one man? No, because of a lot of factors. The lack of Christian involvement in decision making would be one. "But Christians shouldn't get involved in politics, remember? That's what the Bible says, right?" Wrong. Separation of church and state is one thing, getting involved in politics is a whole other aspect. Should every Christian get involved? No. Not everyone is called to. What can I do to get involved?

Write to your MP, MLA, Premier, the PM, Justice Minister, Senators, and others. Let them know what you think. Don't be rude about it, just express your beliefs. They say that for every 1 person that writes to a politician there are 20 more people that feel the same way. Imagine if every Christian wrote to the PM. Wow!

Prayer is powerful. Always pray! Pray continually! Pray for our leaders. For Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, and others. 1 Timothy 2:1+2 says, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." (NIV)

If God wants to change things, He will. My finite mind tells me that I need to oppose things like same-sex marriage and legalizing drugs, but God will step in and change things when he see fits to do so. I don't think it's a bad thing that I do all I can to uphold Biblical morals within the political realm, but I can only go so far before God says 'woah hold up, Kev, I'm taking over.' And that's when things really start happening. That's when it's fun to watch and see what God does--and pray!

Remember, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." -Romans 13:1-2 (NIV)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Human Embryo Cloning

Ok, here's the deal. The creator of Dolly the sheep has been granted a licence to clone human embryos for medical research. (See Article) At the same time, a Chicago couple is suing a fertility clinic that didn't preserve a healthy embryo for them. Get this--they're suing for wrongful death. (See Article) So if the question, "is an embryo considered a human being?" still not answered, why are scientists allowed to experiment with human embryos?

Well, these two stories happen on opposite sides of the world but don't we all want the same thing--to protect the sanctity of human life? No, I guess that was thrown out the window when we legalized, when government sanctioned the killing of people in it's, it was when humans learned the "art" of, it was when Cain killed his brother, it was when Adam and Eve ignored God's only command. Yes, I think that's when humans became self seeking beings. "Oh, you need to listen to your heart...what does your inner self tell you?" BS!! Our "heart" is gonna tell us to do something selfish. We are sinful beings and need to be restored to where we once were. That's where Jesus comes in. He's restored my life, what about yours?


As I look back on my life,
I wonder where the time has gone.
I feel stagnant.
I lack the ability to trust.
Myself, God.
Will I ever be ready?
For You, for her.
The only thing I can express--
it's not real, it's not love.
Digression. My worst enemy.
I tried so hard to fight it,
to not become like so many.
I did it all with my own strength.
I don't know how to let go,
to give it up.
I had such high hopes, such vast dreams.
I still do.
None of it matters though,
not without You.
But how!? How do I do this!?
Help me to understand how to let go.
I've tried, I've tried, I've tried.
Your turn, but how.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Answered Prayer

Praise God! Well, the prayer in my last post has been answered. I'm not on edge. Thank you guys muchly. I feel great--with 4 hours of sleep going into 4 days in a row off work. I finally have a normal week! The stress is still heavy on my chest but at least the nervous edge is gone. Praise God!

There's a Stoney Lake Bible Camp Teen Retreat coming up on the weekend of the 18th, so I'm gonna go to that. I'm excited! It'll mess up my schedule again but Dan said that he'd trade me shifts! Props to Dan, he's a good guy.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Prayer Request

Guys, I need prayer for this stress I'm going through right now. It's from a number of things...the future, my job, my current phase in life. I'm just worrying about far too much and my body is telling me this. I've been praying about it a lot. I'm getting to a point where I can't function normally anymore. It's affecting my everyday life. I wasn't gonna post this cause I know how judgemental people can be and I wanted to keep my pride. But I just can't deal with it by myself anymore. Anyway thanks for the prayers...

*UPDATED* The Marriage Dilemma Continues...


National Post Survey Reveals 2/3 of Canadians Oppose Same-Sex “Marriage”. See the Compas website and link to a full PDF version of the poll results

MP poll shows same-sex vote still in doubt

Liberal Government Lying to the Public on Same-Sex 'Marriage' Bill Says Women's Group

Evangelical Fellowship Calls Liberals’ Bluff on Religious Freedom

Skip gay marriage vote, Liberal MPs told

Justice minister says no referendum on same-sex

7 Nfld. marriage commissioners quit over same-sex issue

Original Post (Feb 2 - 4:33pm)

Parliament had it's first reading of Bill C-38 yesterday. So far from what the media can gather the New Democrat, BLOC, and Liberbal Parties are voting in favour of this bill. However, one Liberal member said that between 20 - 30 members of his party are voting against the bill. This number is lower than where Lifesite reported it at 40. But you have to take into account the pressure that Martin is putting on his caucus. If they don't vote in favour of Bill C-38 they are fired. Now that's democracy, eh!? There is also one NDP member who publicly said she was voting against the bill. She also risks being fired for her party. Most of the Conservative Party is voting against the bill also. I believe there is a good chance that this bill will be defeated if this is how the votes stand. Please continue to pray that God's will will be accomplished in the end. Because that is all that really matters, right? I urge you guys while praying about the sanctity of marriage to continue to pray for all of our leaders and the many daily decisions they make. God is in total control and I am confident that He will accomplish what He desires to do so. We don't always understand His will but it is a good and perfect will. Sure, I can get uptight and stressed out what I see but God see much deeper and He knows what He is doing.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Germany Forcing Unemployed Women into Legalized Prostitution

Apparently, prostitution is legal in some countries. That shows how much I know about anything outside North America. But now, the German government has taken it one step further. They now say that if a woman has been on employment insurance for over a year, she cannot turn down a 'job' in the 'sex trade' without losing her benefits from EI. This is unreal! Think about it--a government forcing women to sell their bodies to men. Is this not a complete digress in everything that has been accomplished with human rights and the women's lib? Are we not back where we started before we became 'civilized'? Unbelievable... Germany Forcing Unemployed Women into Legalized Prostitution

This is an informative page only. I do not even believe we should ask the question, "should prostitution be legal?" Why? So that these women will have rights too? If these woman had any rights in the first place, they wouldn't be soliciting their bodies. Unless of course they chose to, which is a whole other topic. So we need to look at why these women are being forced into prostitution-- not trying to get them more rights and freedoms within the realm of prostitution. These are just some thoughts that come to mind.