kevin's journey

This is a record of my life. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, and revelations inhabit this space.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Canadian Liberals Push For Same-Sex Marriage

It seems the media is more interested in Michael Jackson's trial or the election in Iraq, so that's all we are shown. But the reality is that the Liberal government is trying to ram through the same-sex marriage debate. Although, they only hold a minority of the House so another Federal election might be held soon if the Opposition pushes for it. I say it's about time that the people control what the people want. Let's find out what Canadians really want. Let's vote on it. I'll accept that. But I won't accept some unelected judge making new laws in Canada. I want the elected officials that my family, friends, and I have appointed to make the decisions, based on what we want. Is that too much to ask? I did find this article though.

Friday, January 28, 2005

The Marriage Dilemma


Christians unite! Let's call on God together to guide our leaders as they decide what is best for our nation. And not just on these 2 days but everyday after! It's so important to commit our leaders to God. He wants to know that we care about the direction our country should take.


Saturday, January 22, 2005

Mass Panic Alert UPDATE!

I drove by the same street a few times on my shift last night. The street is closed to traffic and there's a red fence around what appears to be a large hole that was dug up. Or maybe something exploded and caused the hole. Maybe I've already been exposed to radiation but the authorities won't tell us. Maybe they dug the hole to prevent a radiation leak! There's a little trailer sitting beside the fence. I couldn't quite see what it said on the side of it. I think we should all be very afraid. We need to demand an answer from the authorities! I think this calls for mass hysteria!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Grow Up? Not So Fast...

Becka sent me an article today (yesterday for you normal people) about a group of people called "twixters". Apparently, this group consists of people aged 18 - 25 that have been to college or university but are putting off starting a career, getting married, buying a house, etc. I guess you could say that I fit into this category. Although I didn't graduate with a degree in college, I do hold a certificate and have 2 years under my belt. Now I'm just sitting around wondering what to do next. Here are some clips from the article:

"Social scientists are starting to realize that a permanent shift has taken place in the way we live our lives. In the past, people moved from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood, but today there is a new, intermediate phase along the way. The years from 18 until 25 and even beyond have become a distinct and separate life stage, a strange, transitional never-never land between adolescence and adulthood in which people stall for a few extra years, putting off the iron cage of adult responsibility that constantly threatens to crash down on them."

"The twixters aren't lazy, the argument goes, they're reaping the fruit of decades of American affluence and social liberation. This new period is a chance for young people to savor the pleasures of irresponsibility, search their souls and choose their life paths."

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Roe vs. Wade

If you know anything about "Roe vs. Wade" you know that this was the beginning of routine abortions in the US, which lead to many other countries following their lead. Well check this out--the woman who fought to legalize abortions is a Christian now and is trying to appeal the court's decision!! I don't know about you but if I was God, I don't know if I could forgive someone for causing the deaths of 46+ million people (see Abortion Counter).

God's Plan

Well, this rut I'm in has finally stopped getting deeper. I've been concentrating on praying God's Word directly into my life. He has blessed me by granting me the strength and fore-vision to carry on. A lot of you probably don't know that I've been struggling, for a while, with what to do in life. Some of you do and I thank you for your prayers and advice. I now feel, though, that I am one step closer to finding a way out of this rut. Praise God for His mercy and grace! I know He has a plan for my life and I shouldn't worry, but it's hard. It's hard not to be in control of my own life. It's hard not to have future plans. (Yes, I actually do plan some things. I like to plan out the major things in my life and whatever happens in between doesn't matter too much to me. That's where the spontaneity kicks in.) As I continue to seek God it's fun to watch Him pull me through all this. I know He has HUGE plans for my life and I can't wait to live them out! If you want to pray--pray that I follow the guidance of God's Holy Spirit in my life. Pray that God grants me patience and strength to lay down things I need to give up to Him. I covet your prayers.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Mass Panic Alert

So I'm driving along Lorne Avenue and who do I see--a bunch of city workers and the police scrabbling all over the place underneath the Idylwyld Overpass. The city workers looked to be waving around metal detectors on the ground, then again they didn't look like normal metal detectors. Maybe they were radiation detectors?? Could be. This was at about 3:30am. I couldn't see what the cops were doing, but their lights were flashing and they had a whole block taken over. Maybe it'll be in the paper tomorrow? Or maybe they'll cover it up and pretend nothing happened. Or maybe nothing important was happening. It really all looked odd though...not something you see everyday. Maybe we should all get out of the city before radiation seeps into our homes, into our bedrooms, and into our bodies!! Aaaaah! I'm outta here.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Usual

I don't like getting into a routine. To me it means that I'm stuck doing the same thing around the same time too often. Maybe that's why I move around so much? I started this job a little over a month ago but I can feel the routine setting in. I can feel the straps on my arms and legs tighten and my chest gets heavier. What am I supposed to do for a job then? If I can't handle doing the same thing everyday, what do I do? Be a cop? Hmmm. Since the Tsunami, I've been thinking about joining an organization like World Vision. I think I would enjoy helping people in these kinds of circumstances. Plus I would get to travel the world and meet so many people. True there is a lot of danger involved, but you only live twice right?! I think it would be easier if I had someone to share this routine with. One day.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My New Year Resolutions

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Swallow more, spit less.

Sell myself on ebay.

Poke a badger with a spoon.

Be on cops.

Fail all of my classes.

Get your resolution here.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Be Bop a Lula

My new computer finally got here on Friday. Took a week. Future Shop had some delays and Purolator had some delays. Not too bad for "the Holidays" I guess. Who really gets a holiday anyway. Oh, I guess students do. Ha, ha! They also get a million assignments and tests and blah, blah, blah. Our society places far too much empahsis on education. What ever happened to experience? I gain my knowledge from my experiences, not sitting in a stuffy classroom listening to a a boring professor explain away his lack of experience and over-abundance of useless facts and knowledge. Plus you have to take all these classes you don't even want just to get a so-called degree. I'll be a student again one day, you just wait. Ahh! Well, I was born into this culture so I guess I'll make the best of it, whether I like it or not. No, I won't!! I won't conform, I won't do it. I always thought I would have fit nicely having been born in the late 40's. Growing up in the 50's and 60's would have been quite the experience.

Ya. So, I've been working non-stop it seems like. Over Christmas/New Years I worked 10 days in a row. That was rough. Now I work just on weekends, so I get 4 days off in a week. But my boss wants to give me 2 weekends off a month. So my schedule is gonna get all screwed up again. But once I endure that, I will be able to actually hang out with friends on the weekend. And I'll get to go to church again. I've been going to some Bible studies and such. And I want to get back to C&C on Thursday nights. So that's that.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Saskatchewan Commissioners Resigning or Refusing to "Marry" Homosexuals

REGINA, January 5, 2005 ( - Eight Saskatchewan marriage commissioners have resigned because of new laws requiring them to "marry" same-sex couples, according to Justice Minister Frank Quennell. Three others said they would go to court if they were fired for refusing to "marry" same-sex couples, according to Saskatoon Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott.

If same-sex couples are refused "marriage" by a commissioner, the complaint will be reviewed by the Justice Department, Quennell said Tuesday, as reported by the Saskatchewan News Network.

"We'd have to investigate the circumstances and potentially remove their power to perform civil marriages because they weren't willing to administer the law as it stands," he said.

Vellacott said the government should be willing to accommodate the religious convictions of its marriage commissioners, as prescribed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. "You've got specifically the conscience right and religion right that are very explicit (in the charter)," Vellacott said.

Regina marriage commissioner Orville Nichols said he would sue the government rather than resign if challenged for refusing to officiate at a same-sex "marriage."

"I will definitely not resign," Nichols said. "If something like this happens, I'm prepared to go to court . . . We got a letter from them saying that we must do it and if we don't, we're breaking the law and we could lose our commission appointment."

"My definition of marriage is opposite -- male and female -- not two males and two females," Nichols emphasized. "That's why I oppose it."