Sometimes it's so hard to stay focused. Sometimes all I see is what my eyes allow. My mind and my spirit know there is more but my vision is so limited, so it seems. Throughout my year at PRBI (2005-2006) I was spurred on to think about and focus on eternal things rather than temporal. It seems that year was planned for me to prepare me for February 28th. Although, you can never be fully prepared for the loss of someone so close. But my eyes wander; they don't always see the Truth. The pain is a nagging finger tapping me on the shoulder forcing me to look back and see what I've lost. It won't let me face forward and look up to the heavens.
I said I was going to post some writing I've been working on. I can't yet. It's too much right now.
I said I was going to post some writing I've been working on. I can't yet. It's too much right now.